The cuffs have my boys names written in their own handwriting as it is right now. They turned out so cute. In this pic they are being modeled by the ever so awesome 5 yr old.
We ordered Chinese Food this week. This was my fortune.
4. Swimming. A fun and easy way to get some vitamin D, keep the kids from fighting, makes bedtime a snap, builds fun memories, gets your skin glowing, and gets you outside and smiling.
We pretty much live here during the summer months.This is a pic of my boysies after a fun long day at the pool. They were both awake and talking but they were way to tired to keep their eyes open. If someone would have taken a picture of me I would probably have looked pretty much the exact same as they did. 6+ hrs of swimming will do that to you.
5. Sometimes you've just gotta let kids be kids. Even when it is more work than it is worth (to you) it really is worth it to them.
Bonus 6. Look at this cute puppy.
My friend and her whole extended family have started a new business breeding these (insanely expensive) dogs and her's is the first to have puppies.
Happy Friday
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