Friday, June 14, 2013

Five on Friday

1. This past week I hit the mark of 35lbs lost. :) 

I love the feeling of my clothes being loose instead of tight. 
Not the best after pic (no make up, early morning, before i washed the mirror) but you get the idea. I will update with a better one tonight or tomorrow when I have time  and someone to help me take a better one.

2. My watermelon plants are growing!
It is my first time growing watermelons. 

I planted them from seed indoors and then transplanted them outside to the garden. I hear watermelon is hard to grow, so I celebrate every little step and take pride that we (as in me and that cute little green plant) have made it this far.

3. I found a dress that my little sister left in the basement. I never wear dressed like this but I just had to try it on. 

I just love the contrast and the detail.

The front has a classic and more modest cut, with preppy pleats at the waist and then the back is open.

And the fabric of the dress is soft and feminine with a sheer overlay but than you have a leather waistband and back.

P.S. these pics were taken ridiculously early in the morning. Don't look too close at me or my bed head. 

Oh and meet Ben. This little guy is never more than 3 feet away from me and often shows up in the corners of my pictures. 

4. I may or may not have left some food out for my boys yesterday morning. 

I am sorry, but it is hard being bombarded at 5:30 am every morning by two hungry wild children. I figure if someone calls CPS on me at least there is some fruit on there to help me plead my case that I am a good mom and that I do love my kids. ;)

Oh and look at how I wrote their names on the paper towels. See, more loving details. 

Oh and it totally worked. They got up and played pirates while snacking on an apple and the graham crackers. And I was able to make them their real breakfast at a reasonable 7:00 am.

5. I love when restaurants make my regular diet coke feel fancy and special. 

Can I do a bonus #6 without getting booed or kicked out of the 5 on Friday Club?

6. I have some homemade and fun Fathers Day gifts in the works. I am crossing my fingers that they turn out. I'm actually really excited and will share them after they are done. :D


  1. Wow you look fantastic!!! Great job!! I just lost 25 lbs too and know how hard is is also being a busy mom of 2 boys to find time! Keep up the awesome work!!

  2. Congrats on the weight loss! Doesn't it feel amazing when you can set your mind to something and accomplish it? And that dress is adorable. I'm all for open back this summer, now just have to figure out a bra situation! ;)


If you have anything to add? I would love to hear from you.