Friday, June 7, 2013

My first 5 on Friday.


1. Hi! this is me and my blog is brand new.

My 5 yr old actually took this picture while I was watching TV and folding laundry. I kind of liked it.

2. I work at a fabulous Day Spa one night a week. 

I used to be full time there but these 2 little people came into my life and started calling me mom so I stepped back to stay home with them. 

I find working once a week and being around other women in such a fun, relaxing, chatty atmosphere is the perfect escape to keep me from losing myself in my 2 beautiful boys. 

It also helps me to stay current on all the newest beauty trends. 


3. I was bit by an ostrich when I was in High School. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt.


4. I love this quote and have it as one of my screen savers as a reminder as to just how important our thoughts really are. 

5. After realizing that I'm surrounded by boys, and that I will be for the rest of my life, I decided that I wanted to be sitting on the couch yelling and screaming with them instead of at them. So, I have taken up football (watching). 

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Not to mention some of the gear is really cute. And it is really fun to shock guys at the car repair place (what is it called?) or wherever with your knowledge of how so-n-so blew last nights game with a bad pass. They look at you with a new set of respect and awe. It's fun. 


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