Thursday, June 6, 2013


Welcome to my very own personal Elephant Sanctuary.

A place where I can share my life experiences with anyone who may happen across this little tiny bit of the Internet. This is a place where I can pull back from my hectic life and be quite, be still. This is a place where I can tell my daily stories while growing and learning from them.

A sanctuary where I can continue on my path of self.

(I had written some heavier stuff here but decided that maybe I shouldn't scare you away just yet)

I still have much to learn.

And I am excited for the journey.

Oh and on a side note:
  • I am loving wife to a man that I am obsessively in love with.

  • I am a mommy to 2 insane, wildsneaky,  messy, heinous, stinkyloud, funny, courageous, busy, sweet, smart, cute, loving and perfect little boys. They are my heart and soul.

  • I am an esthetician who works part time at a fabulous day spa and loves everything beauty related. I will try anything and have tried lots of things in the beauty world. Some have given me amazing results (laser resurfacing) and others have made me look like Bert from Bert and Ernie (way over tinted eyebrows).

  • I wrote skin care product reviews for over a year and know a little too much about the random ingredients listed on the back of your favorite face wash, eye cream and cleanser. I also had to write a few male enhancement product reviews... awkward.

  • I am obsessed with make up.

  • I adore jewelry.  

  • I believe happiness is a choice.

  • Since getting married I have moved 22 times (for my husbands job), lived in 15 cities, travelled to fabulous tropical destinations and even more fun destinations around the US and Canada. We would move for the spring/summer months (enjoying a new city or two), and then come home for the fall/winter. It was the perfect combination. Explore the country, live in fun cities like Brooklyn, Virginia Beach, Bay Area, but we always knew we were going "home" to our friends and family.

  • I am girly and love girly and cute things, but am so glad I have boys to do all the "boy" activities with like camping, watching football and playing superheroes.  

  • I enjoy going out with friends and love going on on girls trips.

  • My favorite book is Gone With the Wind.

  • I worked at Disney World when I was 19. I wore a space outfit and had the elite job of helping people get their condiments at Cosmic Rays in Spaceland.

  • I meditate.

  • I pray.

  • I am a pretty good cook.

  • My favorite food is: store bought cake with way too much white butter cream frosting.
  • I love summer time.

  • I'm constantly and consciously working to improve myself.

  • If I could only shop at 3 stores for the rest of my life, those stores would be Anthropologie, Costco, Nordstrom.

  • I'm more calm and reserved, my husband is the "life of the party" skydiving type. Yin and yang baby. 

  • I'm curious by nature. Talking to me can be like a game of 20 questions, but I promise my questions are sincere and my listening is genuine. If it ever becomes too much just tell me to mind my own business.

  • I have recently started gardening and am mildly obsessed. (if I could just get my damn watermelons to grow, I would be a happy lady).

  • I have struggled with anxiety my whole life.

  • Elephants are my favorite animal.

I will probably write more in depth on some of these topics, while also sharing some of my favorite salon secrets and beauty tips. I am sure I will write about being a mom, a wife and dog owner (oh yeah, did I mention I have a yorkie?).

Maybe I will share my favorite recipes, quotes, pictures and stories as they feel appropriate. Or maybe I will let you in on the secret that I believe our thoughts and feelings have a much bigger impact on us and our lives than we could ever imagine.

I am pretty sure I will talk about elephants and what they have meant to me throughout different phases of my life and how we could all learn a thing or two from these magnificent creatures. I also hope to help inspire people who are going through a hard time to find peace inside themselves and I hope to be inspired by everyone I meet along the way.

Some of my posts may be deep and extremely personal while other posts are going to be fun and lighthearted.



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