Friday, October 18, 2013

Five on Friday: Oct 18 Edition

I do some freelance work on the side. I used to write mainly skin care and beauty articles but lately I have been getting orders for the most random articles.

Right now I am writing an article about Area Rugs in Half Moon Bay CA. It is a strange combination of topics and took me a while  and some research on both to figure out which way to go with it. 

Other articles I have written this week include:

*How to hire a plumber.

*Why you should become a nurse.

*Elderly Care.

*How to find Staples coupons.

I am going to be a walking fountain of random knowledge.

2- I believe in the Law of Attraction.
I have attracted way too many specific things for it to be a coincidence. I haven't quite mastered the art of it yet but feel like I am starting too and that it is happening more and more as I take the time to love, nurture and take care of myself from the inside.

3- My {5 year old} baby lost his tooth.

...and I keep crying about it. 

I love that baby tooth and vividly remember when it popped up as his first little tooth. It was the most perfect and cutest tooth I had ever seen. I loved being a new mom and looking back, those days seem sparkly and magical. I miss my babies being babies and that tooth is a visual reminder of how everyday is one day further away from those little babies. 

And on a totally different side of the coin, I love my boys ages right now. I am happy to be past night feedings and diapers and on to the funniest little conversations I've ever had and trips to the library. 

Even though I'm not wishing for a time machine to take me back 5 years, it is still really really hard to let go and move forward. I am sure you momma's out there know exactly what I'm talking about; and those of you who aren't moms yet, mark my words, you will know.

4- I think my toe is broken. 

5- I am so excited for tomorrow. My BFF and I are sneaking away for some much needed girl time. We are doing a spa day which includes a message, pedicure, lunch/dinner (with dessert) and a little shopping. We have done this religiously for the past 5 years. I love it! A perfect way to reset and recharge.

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